best gardening books for small gardens

7 Best Gardening Books For Small Gardens [Must-Read To Get The Best Ideas]

by Rey Sagar

Gardening is life-changing but it is a slow process and it takes time to understand the act of it.

When you start, initially your seeds used to not germinate and you will face other issues too, which is kind of frustrating if you are just starting out.

So it’s always the best way to take advice from experts who are already good at the field.

That’s why in this article we are going to talk about the best gardening books for small gardens, which are perfect for your small yard where you want to do your gardening work.

Since every vegetable, fruit, and flower needs a different way of nurturing, we need to understand that. So it’s an obvious reason to always look for ideas and other people’s points of view.

Which will help you know better about your plants.


Top 7 Best Gardening Books For Small Gardens

Before I jump into the best books for designing small gardens, I just want to talk a little about gardening and why it's important in our daily lives.

The best quote I listened about gardening is: “Agriculture is our wise pursuit because it will ultimately contribute more to real wealth, good morals, and happiness."

And, I think gardening, is one of the best ways to Loss weight and Enjoy food, By organic farming, away from chemicals and genetically modified started to interest in home agriculture.

Gardening tools are very essential to complete your task easily so, I also recommend you to buy one of the sets to do your gardening work properly.

Check out what should everybody know about gardening?

  • You don't need much dirt in the garden. You can do it in little spaces, and even ones you don't own.
  • Even though many people live in a world of surplus, hard times come and gardens become important again.
  • Gardening is a good hobby.
  • It is fun for adults and kids to learn.
  • Gardening can teach skills that will allow people to become free from oppressive oil-fueled systems as they collapse.
  • The flowers are pretty.
  • Learning to garden in your climate without using outside water is very important.
  • Native plants will use far fewer resources than "exotic" ones in most all cases.
  • A wild garden of native plants which needs no work and provides beautiful habitat for native species is a lovely use of your land.
  • Growing annuals will leave your soil barren and not pretty for much of the year.

Now, let's see my top 10 picks for the best gardening book for small spaces.

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1. Kitchen Garden Revival

This was certainly a fun book to read.

Kitchen Garden Revival is pretty interesting, the way how she grouped vegetables and plants by groups… which was kind of surprising.

The whole idea of the book was how great a veggie garden close (or not close) to your kitchen would be.

She offers several examples of garden layouts, building materials, and even tells how to harvest. The book is a very inspiring, uplifting, colorful garden manual.

There’s a lot of information about starting an edible garden as well. She will show you how to set up raised beds, how to design the outline of your garden, and other helpful information. 

An absolute informative and useful book for whoever has a small garden. All the explanations are clear and the book is well written. Highly recommended.

Best gardening books for small gardens Kitchen

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2. Alan Titchmarsh How to Garden

If you want a book for designing your small garden then this book is a brainer.

He covered everything from window boxes and balconies and small gardens up to the size of a tennis court, this definitive guide covers design, planting, landscaping, and plant growth in this book.

Also, you can see the ideas behind, successful gardens that can be created in the smallest spaces.

This essential guide shows how to achieve the right garden in the space available. With ideas for maximizing space, design solutions for front gardens and driveways, and recommended plants to grow.

This book is the ultimate guide for anyone wanting to create a garden on a small plot.

It also includes design ideas to match practical needs; A-to-Z profiles of recommended plants; landscaping ideas for all garden shapes; practical uses for balconies and window boxes; and instructions on how to grow vegetables, herbs, and fruit in any small space.

Best books for designing small gardens

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3. Small Garden Style

This book is an introductory guide with solid tips for creating outdoor living spaces.

Eaton makes the reader objectively realize that space constraints will affect choices, but that there are some even for the teeny tiny garden.

The book includes some basic design principles and reliable plants choices for different garden styles.

If you are a beginner, this is a nice place to get your hands dirty.

I appreciated their approach of thinking of the garden as an outdoor room, encouraging gardeners who are in the planning stage to really consider what they want from their outdoor space and how they want it to function and feel.

This would be great for someone who is just starting their garden space process. Or someone like me who wants a pretty space but has never been great with design.


Small space gardening with Full of Ideas

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4. The Less Is More Garden

Another book for designing small gardens.

It has great advice, a variety of solutions including theories and various climates, a very generous assortment of beautiful color photos (both landscape and hardscape), and a commonsense writing style that encourages both beginning and experienced designers/gardeners.

Susan Morrison gives the homeowner with a small yard plenty of ideas, along with questions to ponder as they consider their landscaping.

Besides the tips and ideas, there are the important aspects of focusing on the people, pets, and activities in which the area will be used as well as maintenance involved.

The photographs certainly drew the eye to the lovely possibilities there are suggested.

However, the charts and templates were even more helpful.

An excellent resource for those who have smaller yards.

Perfect book for small space gardening

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5. Vertical Gardening

If you have a small space to garden: this book is another good option for you. It comes with so many different ideas.

There are other reasons and means to use vertical gardening strategies.

The book clearly explains how to support vertical vining plants with techniques like trellises, arches, and netting.

It also has a list of plants that you can grow vertically and what zones they grow in. It divides the plants into vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals.

The book also explains how to compost and how to control pests without chemicals.

The only thing I wish, the color photos were inserted into the corresponding chapters and added more photos but lots of good diagrams were included as reading along.

Best gardening book for small spaces vertically

best gardening book for small spaces
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6. Start Your Urban Gardening The Right Way

Do you want to eat healthier and fresher vegetables without worrying about added chemicals? Are you looking to save a ton of money on those expensive organic vegetables at the store?

Then this book is a no-brainer for you.

All I can think is WOW!

Right from here, get-go the book is personal and inviting as the author shares stories about eating collard greens grown by a grandfather in the backyard.

The book goes on the be packed with information and ideas about how you can still grow some of your own food, even if you don’t live in the country or have a lot of space.

And don’t miss out on the bonus material of a gardening guide you can download.

It is not only full of information about growing zones and planting schedules, but it has tons of pictures of whimsical yet practical repurposed container planting ideas.

If you are new to gardening and don’t know where to start, then I would say this book is a good place to start.

Best gardening book for small spaces Newest

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7. All New Square Foot Gardening

This list is absolutely incomplete without this one, but with the caveat.

This book is specifically made for small spaces but if you are into gardening then you should pick this book and get some great ideas.

This is my favorite gardening book, and also for many gardeners like me.

What can I say? there’s a man with a neck beard on the cover. his name is Mel.

He retired from his job as an engineer at 42 and then turned to gardening.

When you set an engineer loose in backyard gardening, you get precision gardening. basically, he figured out how close you can plant things so that you get the maximum yield per square foot. each individual plant produces less, but the overall yield is much great. plus, there’s way less to weed.

This book rocks and this version is also updated from the original.

If you are into any type of gardening, this book is a must-read for everyone.

Best selling gardening book on amazon

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Final Thoughts

At this point, hope you already got the list of best gardening books for small gardens, and before you feel overwhelmed by watching all the tips and tricks.

Don't be shy to hop on the comment section below if you find any problem which reading it.

Lastly, good luck with your gardening journey, feel free to share your experience with us, If if that makes any sense to you. we'll be happy to hear from you.

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